Monday, December 12, 2022

6 years of MASSIVE by John Trefry

Strands of long motion obscurity of smoke in the one point vortex of a continuous dash dash lane center and double solid roadway center, a white figure in the black rapidly in the consumption of smoke and in the smoke is asphalt fragmentation the largest chunks of which are near the vertex smaller in a rain ballistic arc over the entirety in absolute brown and gray with no potato flesh daylight remaining, the perspectival vortex black in the impactcrater of thin flakings of tabular layers radiating in graduation from brown to gray to black and all to black, the potatoflesh sky a gently transitional canopy umbrage in dilation smokewash crenellations of imperfections within the strands of a color softly with desaturation of the strands nearly green but at the curb itself white lined is the peeling up of the asphalt triangle and the urgence of earth and smoke both white and fire orangeness in a fringe about the fragmentation a fringe of blond hair around the surging of the black fragmentation coalescence, an upright of a milemarker dash space dash space reflector dash at the vertex of an uplifting triangle of asphalt dash at angle above the horizontal swallowing sallow smoke colors outside the strands the strands constructing string loops of color crossgrain from the motion a color impactcrater of refraction, a lone tree taller than the canopy diminishment an oblong asphalt island before the sky, tree trunks parallax the flesh of sky milk of luminous canopy inversion in the reflection of gentle bobbing blue car hood slightly turningly away from the fragmentation of all occlusion into which the diminishment of a hedge just at the horizon line is swallowing a lamp post, tendrils conical dissipating in arcs over the hedge handcurl of fire tawny gush of earth cloud nominally mossgreen the skymilk figure lowhanging fray in advancing fringe, brown fragmentation all, obscurant brownwash, blackwash skylit roadway all,


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Transferable textures

I've talked about this before but I'm waiting for my daughter to admit she needs a nap. Do you listen to music when you write? I do....